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Stargazing with the Bath Astronomers (Sold Out)

September 17 @ 8:00 pm10:00 pm£20

***This event has now sold out, apologies for any disappointment.***

Join the Bath Astronomers to stargaze from the back garden of the Herschel Museum of Astronomy, where the Planet Uranus was discovered from by William Herschel on 13th March 1781. There will also be a chance to explore the house where brother and sister musicians turned astronomers, William and Caroline Herschel, lived from 1777 to 1782.

Please note: in the event of poor weather the event will go ahead even if stargazing is not possible, as a tour and talk around the museum will be provided from Bath Astronomers.

Book via the Jane Austen Festival website

In this venue the garden and first floor are only accessible by stairs.

1 hour

Two slots available: 8pm and 9.05pm